Apple Stops Signing iOS 10.2. Save Your SHSH Blobs

Apple Stops Signing iOS 10.2

Over the past few days, my colleagues and I have reported on Todesco’s exploits and the growing array of 64 bit Apple devices Yalu102 supported. However, today’s news changes everything from a jailbreaking perspective, because if you didn’t heed our warnings and downgrade or upgrade to 10.2. I am afraid to say your chances of jailbreaking have become much more difficult!

That being said, though if you did take one piece of advice and managed to save your SHSH2 blobs there is still a way for you to jailbreak. Just follow the previous link, and everything will be explained, including what an SHSH2 blob is and what to do with them.Unfortunately, if you didn’t save them for iOS 10.2 when Apple was still signing the firmware, you’re out of luck. Because that means, you can no longer downgrade or upgrade to iOS 10 .2, meaning that for know you’re trapped.

Todesco’s work and the Future

Just yesterday I reported on how Todesco had delivered on his promises with a 6th beta installment of his solution. However, it seems as though he had been working overtime to get almost all 64-bit devices compatible. As today he released yet another Yula102 jailbreak in the form of beta 7. And it includes support for the iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 4, but not the two iPhone 7’s.
For some though this may come as bittersweet news considering Apple’s quick move to prevent iOS 10.2 jailbreaking. As for what Todesco will do next, he has previously stated that when he releases his 10.2 solution that’s it. Meaning, he will no longer produce publically available jailbreaks. However, it’s too early to tell whether Apple’s move will prompt him to stick with it and create more solutions.
But what if Yalu102 is the final public work he produces, who then will pick up where he left off? The usual suspects are either the Chinese PanGu or TaiG teams; however, each has been quiet for some time. So, the only piece of advice I can now give you is to keep visiting our site or social pages. Because as soon as my colleagues or I know anything, it will be published!
In the meantime, if you have any questions or want to share something, please do so using the comments section below.

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