Taig Jailbreak iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5
OS 9.3.4 and iOS 9.3.5 jailbreak is possible without a computer.
This jailbreak process is known as TaiG9 pre jailbreak. By performing TaiG9 pre jailbreak users will be able to install 'iOS Emus', 'VShare', 'Semi Jailbreak Cydia' and 'Fully Untethered Cydia Demo' on iOS 9.3.4 and iOS 9.3.5 running devices. The process will place '3K Assistant' App in your device and once fully untethered jailbreak available for iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5, you will receive full jailbreak via 3K Assistant. To perform iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5 jailbreak, tap on the button below from your iOS 9.3.4 or iOS 9.3.5 running device. Please note that the pre jailbreak only works with iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5 and please do not test this with any other versions of iOS, which may cause errors and can damage your firmware.
This pre jailbreak for iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5 is only available with TaiG9 and it is a combined effort of TaiG, 3K and iH8Sn0w. It is mandatory to perform pre jailbreak process of TaiG9 to perform post jailbreak, also known as full jailbreak for iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5. Apple continuously preventing jailbreaks and what pre jailbreak does is installing a trusted root certificate to use in pre jailbreaking process. The iOS system will not block the certificate since the certificate does not try to access any system files within first 30 days. When the certificate is older than 30 days, TaiG9 post jailbreak process can be started to fully jailbreak iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5.
iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5 post jailbreak using TaiG9 v3.0.0 β2.1
Once the pre jailbreak process is completed, the 3K Assistant app places a trusted certificate in the iPhone, iPad or iPod. Apple continuously checks for new certificates and if an application with a new certificate tries to access the root files, it directly revokes the certificate. But when the certificate gets older Apple starts to believe that the certificate does not try to do something harmful, then only the post jailbreak / full jailbreak process can be started for iOS 9.3.4.
Jailbreak using Safari browser of your iPhone, iPad or iPod(No computer Needed)
Users are advised to keep pre jailbreak for more than 30 days before performing iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5 jailbreak
Both Windows and Mac Tools will be released for iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak and the tools will be available for public downloads after 30 days of time. We will publish the download links on this website and it is confirmed that you need to use the genuine tool downloaded from this site after waiting for 30 days. Because if you use any other tools, the certificates will be different and you have to wait for another 30 - 60 days before jail breaking.
Bookmark us to find the website and download the original tools for iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak.
Pre Jailbreak iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5 and make the certificate trusted
iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak (PRE) is a super easy process and all you need to do is visiting this page from your iPhone, iPod or iPad. Make sure that you use safari browser for the process. Once you visit this page from your device, you will be able to find iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak button. Also you can use the QR code above and find the jailbreak URL for iOS 9.3.4 - iOS 9.3.5. Open that URL from safari to continue.
STEP ONE : Clik HERE using safari browser of your iPhone, iPad or iPod.
STEP TWO : Wait for pre jailbreak process to complete and install 3K Assistant.