Bypass iCLoud Custom Firmware ios 9.3.4 By Cyber Junior

Bypass iCLoud Custom Firmware iOs 9.3.4

Unlock iCloud with Custom Ramdisk

Bypass iOS 9.3.4 and 9.3.5 iCloud And Built custom iphone firmware, As long as we know, asr doesn't verify a copy iOS ramdisk, so i have some trick how to built root ramdisk with asr verification. 

Now i Found some way how to Patch asr (Apple System Restore)

You have to decrypt ioOs firmware or ipsw file from terminal command

Sudo Unzip iPhone4,1_9.3.4_13G35_Restore.ipsw

Decrypt iOS Filesystem with Vfdecrypt, you can download tool HERE

Run Command

./vfdecrypt -i 058-48374-035.dmg -k 1c016b9999d81b0a624bb3f0a5b11a354bd0ff8666d7e5c26e4f7d117b978198bb4195c9 -o rootfs.dmg

Mount The root filesystem and delete then Find the .Cpio File inside System directory and deleted it.

Then Build back Filesystem with DMG.Exec.. You can Download it HERE

Run Command
./dmg build